
Monday, April 14, 2014

Finish Along 2014 Quarter 2 - To Finish List

Hello friends! After my three finishes in February, I haven't done very much sewing. For the whole month of March, it seemed like nothing I sewed was turned out correctly. So I took a little bit of break and I spent as much time outdoors as possible. It has been such great weather for biking! Now I feel rejuvenated and ready to get back into the sewing room! Here is a list of projects I hope to get done this quarter:

Carryovers from Last Quarter:
1) Zig Zag Love - This quilt has come a long way since last quarter! It went from a million pieces to a fully basted quilt. There is another picture of this quilt on InstagramStatus: In the process of quilting.
2) Charley Harper/Botanics Baby Quilt - I didn't make much progress on this quilt, but I did buy the backing material and come up with a quilting plan. Status: Quilt Top, need to piece backing and quilt it.

New Additions:
3) Crimson Cross Quilt - This quilt was the first quilt I started and the last time I wrote about it was on January 25, 2012 (my very first WIP Wednesday!). It is in the exact same stage as it was that day! I didn't realize at the time that 80"x90" was not an ideal size for a first quilt. :D  I am not in love with it, but I do want to check it off my list! Status: Quilt Top, needs to be quilted. I will most likely be sending this one out for quilting.
4) St. Louis 16 Patch Status: Quilt Top, needs to be quilted. I will be tying this quilt.

There are only four projects on the list, because I am really itching to start a new project too! I'm thinking either Blossom Heart Quilts Bright Sky pattern or Kathreen Ricketson's Step Lively pattern from Little Bits Quilting Bee...or both!

Linking up with the 2014 Finish Along at The Littlest Thistle!

3 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Katy Cameron said... # 1

Good luck!

Debbie said... # 2

A good list...stuff to finish + something new to inspire you on!

Carla said... # 3

Welcome back! Your projects sound fun. The two baby quilts in your previous post are just darling!!

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