Last week was such a slow week for sewing. My house becomes a complete disaster after a major project, so a majority of last week was spent spring cleaning and getting my lawn to look a little more respectable. I am so behind on my blocks of the week, but I did manage to get the Foundation Piecing for the Terrified Week 4 Block (from The Littlest Thistle) done. I am seriously excited about this one! I can remember admiring this block on Pinterest, wishing I could sew something like it! I used my remnants from the owl quilt, plus Bella Solids Stone & Charcoal. I had bought the Stone for another project, but it ended up blending in more than I wanted, so I am glad I found another use for it. I quilted and binded it and it is currently serving as a vase rug. I love the look of the geese circling the vase.
I've done most of my sectional pieces for the NY Beauty QAL, so putting those together is the plan for the rest of the week. I have three quilt tops taking up valuable floor space right now, so I am hoping to get one of those done as well. Good thing I have a lot of extra time on my hands this week!
Linking to: Manic Monday at SewHappyGeek, Little Quilt Monday at Pieceful Life, and Sew Modern Monday at Canoe Ridge Creations.
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