
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday - Robot

Does Not Compute Quilt Top
"Does Not Compute"  quilt top done! This pattern is featured in Dare to Be Square Quilting by Boo Davis. This was such a fun quilt top to make! I changed up the colors, since this is a present for my husband and he prefers more traditional colors. I didn't think he would go for a predominately orange quilt, even though I loved it! I can't wait to finish this and give it to him. He is a big kid at heart, so I know he'll love it!

The pattern looked really overwhelming at first, but once I got all the strip piecing done it went very quickly. It was so gratifying to finally see the robot pop in. I had to work around it at first because medium gray was way too dark for the robot body, so I had to make a last minute order to get a lighter gray.

My plan now is quilt Wednesday/Thursday & bind Friday/Monday and hopefully be done by Valentine's Day! I am hoping this non-Minky quilting experience will be a little easier on me and my temperamental sewing machine

Image Attribution at the end.
Lessons Learned:
  1. The difference between Kona Medium Gray & Kona Ash is the difference between killer cylon and a loveable robot.
  2. Always make that you are no longer on the zig-zag stitch when changing to the 1/4" foot. There goes another needle!
  3. If you want to spend more time sewing than resewing, make sure you actually thread the bobbin.
  4. It does not matter how many seam rippers you own, they are never there for you when you need them. 

I love WIP Wednesday! Somehow writing things down makes ongoing projects and planned projects  (all completely self-imposed!) seem not so overwhelming.
Project Inventory:WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
FinishedIn ProgressNo ProgressTo Do
ApronRobot QuiltCrimson CrossPeek A Boo Block
Snuggly ThrowJewelry RollMy Chevron Heart Block
HST BOMsHome Ec CourseTote & Pillow

Cylon image:
This image was originally posted to Flickr by ckroberts61 at http://flickr.com/photos/55789958@N00/426953492. It was reviewed on 31 March 2007 by the FlickreviewR robot and confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.
Headphone Robot image: I bought this robot on Etsy a few years back and I found out that they have a whole online storefront now! You can buy your own here.

Edit: Also linking up with:

25 comments so far. What are your thoughts?

Celtic Thistle said... #

Your robot quilt top looks great, your husband is bound to be delighted.

Couldn't you just kick yourself when you lose a needle that way! I guess everyone has to do it at least once :)

Elizabeth Dackson said... #

Awesome quilt, and yes, I agree, Ash and Medium Grey are definitely quite different!

Kelsey said... #

Wow what an awesome quilt!! And I can never find a seam ripper either - they disappear like socks! I lost a needle that way a few weeks ago too :)

Jessica Kelly said... #

Awesome quilt! That robot is just fantastic :-)

Lynette said... #

LOL! fun post for a fun quilt. :)

Greta said... #

Your robot is soooo cute! What a great idea. My seam rippers never seem to be where I thought they should be either.

Kelly said... #

Love that robot quilt and I am with you on the seam ripper thing!

Moneik said... #

Such a cute quilt! I've had to have 3 fuzes replaced in my machine because it jammed after doing the same thing with my quarter inch foot.

Emily said... #

I love this robot!

Allison C said... #

Awesome! This has been on my list along with Boo's weiner dog pattern. Love the colors you used. I want to make one for myself (I'm selfish) right now....too bad I have a million other projects on my list too.

Heidi Staples said... #

Fantastic quilt top. Love the little stuffy robot too! Isn't that the truth about seam rippers...

RobinLovesQuilting said... #

That is an adorable quilt! and good lessons learned too. Good luck with the quilting!

Rachel said... #

Your robot is great! I have many boys that would love one! And your lessons learned - spot on!

Leo said... #

That robot is just fantastic.

DanaK ~ WaterPenny said... #

Ha! A cylon is not a very romantic Valentine's Day gift!

Letterpress said... #

Too terrific! I really think your robot quilt is very cute, but love the section on Lessons Learned. I assume your husband likes robots and all the action figures?

I also have to say that you had, in your first career, what I would have loved to have done if I had another go-round at college. I love graphic design and would love to know more--so I'm envious that you'll be able to bring all those skills to your quilting. (Now if it would only work the other way, I'd be out pitching myself in new job!)

Elizabeth E.

Kristy QP said... #

Your robot quilt top looks fantastic! Good luck with the quilting and binding :)

Jenny said... #

Love the robot! That book is on my wish list- so many projects I want to make from it.

Lucy said... #

oh my!!! I love this!!1 ordering the book from amazon right now! Thanks for sharing xxx

Lee said... #

LOL, I love your lessons learned. Couldn't agree more about seam rippers! Dare to be Square is one of my favorite books, love the robot quilt! Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday. : )

Sarah said... #

Love your robot quilt! And totally agree about the needles and the 1/4 inch foot. My machine defaults to a left position when it is switched on (who decided that was a good idea?) and I broke several needles before I got into the habit of changing it as soon as I turn it on.

Connie Kresin Campbell said... #

What a neat quilt and I had to laugh while I was reading your tips....how true!

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said... #

Love your robot quilt! It is so cool. My nephew would love it!

Leslie said... #

i recognized that little robot....i have the book in my eye candy pile!!! this looks amazing.

Lucy | Charm About You said... #

Gorgeous! I made this quilt too in the original colours but I LOVE that grey. Those are some good lessons learnt! ;)

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