About the robot quilt finish: I finished binding the robot quilt about one second before my husband got home on Valentine's Day. He loved it! This twin sized quilt is the biggest finished quilt I've done so far. I got a little frustrated during quilting, because no matter what I did or what setting I changed it had the "already washed" look. Who has more trouble quilting regular cotton than Minky? That would be me! Anyway, I should have looked at the picture in the book, because it had the exact same effect! I guess it was just a side effect of quilting on the bias. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it is quilted diagonally, in one direction. I read some suggestions of using starch, so I might try if I ever quilt this way again.
Today I played catch-up! This is the Peek-A-Boo Block & the Churn Dash Block from the Sew. Happy. Quilt. QAL. I liked the whole star thing going on in the QAL mock-up, so the only thing I did different than the tutorial was flip the flying geese upside down.
This is the My Chevron Heart Block from the Sew Red for Women Blog Hop presented by Leah at Burgundy Buttons. I joined this because A) I love the Burgundy Buttons shop & B) heart disease runs in my family. One thing I struggle with is eating healthy and keeping my cholesterol and triglycerides in check. I look small, but I eat way too much fatty food. I am hoping this quilt will be a good reminder for me about why it is so important to take care of myself!
This block I am considering a work-in-progress! I wound up a full couple of inches too small, so I have already started a new one to see if I can get it closer to the right size. Things usually work out better the second time around!
I was so happy to be tagged for the Liebster Blog award from Celtic Thistle! For those of you who don't know, the Liebster Blog Award is given to bloggers who have under 200 followers. The recipient, then gives it to five other bloggers who have under 200 followers. This was really hard, because there are so many great blogs out there that deserve some love! Without further ado, here are my choices:
• Shanna at Sweet & Sassy • Karen at Usually Quilting
Last week, I googled one of the search terms in my stats to see what popped up. Too my surprise, I saw a picture of my layer cake throw that had been slightly edited. I felt one part awesome, but another part weirded out that a picture of my backyard was on another site without my knowledge! So that's why I've gone a little crazy with labeling pictures!
Copyright © From Pixels to Patchwork 2012. All rights reserved.
6 comments so far. What are your thoughts?
Your robot quilt looks wonderful, and your timing was immaculate! I am debating about whether to join up to the New York Beauty quilt along too, would love to learn paper piecing, just worried it will be way too hard for a complete beginner like me! What a cheek to take your photo, shame that people don't have the courtesy to ask!
Thank you so much for passing the award on to me! I'm shocked and honored :) The robot quilt looks great and I love those QAL blocks!
Thank you so much for the love :) I am loving your robot quilt too!!
Congratulations on your Liebster Blog Award! That is great! Your robot quilt is adorable!
Your robot quilt is fabulous! I love the colors in your QAL blocks too. :)
LOVE the robot quilt!
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